Israel’s Copyright Act grants moral rights to authors of works, other than computer programs and phonograms. Moral rights are personal rights which vest in the author. They may not be assigned, although they may be waived. Even in cases where copyright vests initially in a person other than the author, such as in the case of works created in an employer-employee relationship, the moral rights in the work will vest in the author and will not belong to the copyright owner.
Six Copyright and Related Rights Collective Management Organizations (CMOs) currently operate in Israel: two manage traditional copyrights, two manage rights in sound recordings and two manage performers
One of the challenges facing any copyright system is how to achieve an adequate balance between the rights of authors and copyright owners, or other content owners, on the one hand, and the principal of the freedom of contract, on the other hand. While many legal systems attempt to tackle this issue at the statutory level, Israel
March, 2008 On November 19th, 2007 the Knesset passed the Copyright Law of 2007. The new law will go into effect on May 25th, 2008, six months after its publication and will replace the Copyright Law of 1911 and the Copyright Ordinance, which have regulated copyright in Israel since the country
By Moti Kahiri, Adv. May 2005 The revelation, published in May 2005, that 's
Israel's new Copyright Act, which took effect on 25th May, 2008, introduced a long list of limitations and exceptions to the exclusive rights of the copyright owner. Chapter D of the Act permits the use of protected works for 11 specific purposes, under certain conditions.This list of uses draws in large part from the permitted uses under English law and the EC Directive on Copyright in the Information Society